cbd, and borreliosis

Borreliosis is an infectious, multi-system disease caused by spirochete type bacteria that are transmitted to humans through tick vomit or saliva. Not every arachnid bite ends in illness, but in recent years there has been a noticeable increase in the incidence in our country. Currently, borreliosis is the most common tick-borne disease that does not always manifest itself clearly and distinctively, which often develops in secret for a long time.

The first symptom may or may not be so-called migratory erythema (usually around the torso or limbs, at the puncture site), which sometimes occurs in the early stages of the disease. It has a characteristic red border, which widens as the redness in the central part disappears (central brightening). Other symptoms are also: lymphocytic infiltration on the skin, headaches, weakness, fever and other flu-like symptoms. In the next phase, the so-called disseminated arthritis, neuroborreliosis, chronic fatigue, memory impairment, arrhythmia and even myocarditis appear. Sometimes nerves (of limbs, face) are paralyzed, and the patient develops paresis, gait disturbances and strokes. In advanced stages, neurological complications and severe pain are accompanied by swelling and ulceration of the skin. Wounds that are difficult to heal lead to the destruction of the epidermis commonly referred to as atrophic dermatitis. Depression is also a secondary effect of the disease.

Modern science indicates that the way to detect the disease is a two-stage serological diagnosis, i.e. a blood serum test. Unfortunately, no vaccine against borreliosis has been discovered so far, and antibiotic therapy is considered the only effective method of fighting the bacteria. The type of medicine is selected according to the form of the disease. Unfortunately, in the case of Lyme disease, antibiotics have to be taken for a long time, some doctors even recommend a period of several months (at advanced stages), which of course has an impact on the health of the patients being treated (e.g. antibiotics often lead to gastrointestinal damage). In many of them the symptoms persist long after the treatment. Some people relapse after a while and then the treatment must be repeated.

That is why the medical community is divided when it comes to effective treatments for borreliosis. Some doctors believe that despite the use of antibiotics, spirochetes are capable of surviving within the neural structures. Hence there is a question about other effective methods of fighting the Borrelia-type bacteria. An answer in that case may be the supplements prepared on the basis of marijuana extracts. CBD cannabidiol has strong antibacterial properties, but is not a psychoactive substance like THC. Hemp extracts have a lethal effect on numerous pathogens (including drug-resistant ones) and funghi. It is possible that they are also deadly for the spirochetes that cause borreliosis. This is confirmed by instances of many patients where cannabidiol (CBD) proved to be the last resort in fighting against the disease. What is more, this natural substance is a perfect alleviation for the symptoms of the disease: chronic neuropathic pain, inflammation. It helps to cope with depression, and at the same time does not cause negative side effects, is not toxic and is not addictive like other drugs.

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