cbd, and sport

For a long time, all products and extracts based on hemp were considered suspicious substances in the world of sport, and therefore prohibited. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) strongly defended its uncompromising position on this issue. However, the situation has changed dramatically recently, and CBD cannabidiol has disappeared from the list of prohibited drugs.

There were several reasons that led the organization and many radical sports environments to make groundbreaking decisions. First of all, the discussion about the beneficial effects of CBD on competitors' organisms turned out to be important. No less important were reports on the healing properties of supplements based on cannabis extracts confirmed by the opinions and tests of well-known scientists and the experiences of the patients themselves. Finally, the fact that CBD is a natural, safe, non-toxic and non-addictive agent was also of great importance.

A direct impulse to change WADA's position was the case of the MMA player Nate Diaz, who after losing the fight, freely took CBD with a vaporizer during a press conference and talked about the beneficial (primarily analgesic and anti-inflammatory) properties of the product. The athlete showed considerable courage because he risked his own career. In the end, he was punished with only a warning, but the media publicized the case so much that a public discussion broke out, in which other athletes also took part. Under the influence of pressure from public opinion, scientists and the players themselves, the agency approved the use of natural CBD supplementation.

It was a sensible decision, the more that cannabidiol not only has the properties that Diaz drew attention to, i.e. analgesic and anti-inflammatory, but also has a calming effect, regulates sleep and appetite, reduces joint discomfort and reduces muscle tension. It is therefore a substance with beneficial effects. In addition, in the case of athletes who often perform heavy and intense workouts, it may limit the need for other, actually risked or even dangerous substances and drugs (e.g. opioid analgesics).

cbd, and epilepsy

Epilepsy is a syndrome of neurological disorders that result from the malfunction of nerve cells in the cortex. Usually, the abnormalities consist of spontaneous, uncontrolled and excessive bioelectrical discharges in the structure of cells and are manifested in violent epileptic seizures, i.e. strong body shocks. It is these shockss that we most often accosiate epilepsy with.

During most frequently diagnosed seizures, there is a loss of consciousness, severe muscle tension, falling and convulsions of the head and limbs. However, the disease can also manifest itself in a different way. 40% of patients suffer from seizures, which include loss of consciousness and falling, temporary muscle spasm or short-term immobilization of the patient. Such episodes are repeated, often disturbing the normal, everyday functioning. They are also a reason for stigmatization and social isolation, difficulties in getting education and work.

Although seizures themselves are usually not life threatening, they can occur in potentially dangerous circumstances (e.g. when bathing, working with dangerous devices and machines, sharp tools, hot products, etc.). In those cases, loss of consciousness may result in drowning, mutilation, burns. Falls and possible head hits during seizures are also risky.

In many cases, modern medicine is not able to clearly determine the causes of the disease or effectively deal with its symptoms. It is recognized that sometimes epilepsy is the result of brain tissue damage, injury, tumor, hemorrhage or stroke. Sometimes it has a genetic background. It is one of the most common neurological disorders. As many as 65 million people suffer from it worldwide.

Unfortunately, epilepsy is usually regarded as an incurable disease. Doctors prescribe anticonvulsants, which you must take regularly for a long period, and often throughout your life. These remedies alleviate the symptoms but cause undesirable side effects. That is why many patients decide to stop the treatment. Sometimes a proper diet will help. A well-selected diet reduces the risk of seizures, but rarely eliminates them completely.

Unfortunately, there are also varieties of disease in which almost all forms of treatment fail. So patients are looking for new remedies that would be helpful in fighting the disorder. Many of them choose supplements based on medicinal cannabis extracts. Numerous studies conducted around the world prove that cannabidiol CBD obtained from hemp has a relaxing, anticonvulsant effect and, what is important, unlike THC, it does not show psychoactive properties. Scientific observations are confirmed by the patients themselves who use this type of means. Many doctors also notice the benefits of CBD. That is why they decide to implement this type of treatment, especially if traditional methods fail (drug-resistant epilepsy). For the most part, CBD can significantly reduce the number of seizures, and thus reduce the discomfort faced by the epileptic and his family.

cbd, and depression, neurosis

According to data provided by the WHO (World Health Organization), depression is one of the most serious health problems of our time. Is at the top of the list of the most common mental disorders. It is also the main cause of incapacity for work. It is estimated that up to 10% of the population suffers from it and the number is constantly growing. Although it is more and more commonly brought about in public debate, it is still considered a shameful ailment. Patients are being stigmatized. They also face social isolation.

Depression is difficult to diagnose, incurable (it is only possible to neutralize the symptoms), which, in addition, often recurs. Diagnosis is quite problematic in that sometimes, we all experience worse times, we all face difficulties and mood swings. The borderline between ordinary sadness and a medical condition can be blurry, but certainly symptoms such as: persistent low mood, low self-esteem, lack of energy and sense of sense, reduction of interest and pleasure in performing most activities, loss of intellectual ability should seem disturbing to us , difficulty concentrating, dizziness and headache, decreased sexual needs, sleep disturbance, appetite disorders (weight loss or weight gain), and even suicidal thoughts.

Currently, depression, but also many types of neuroses are usually treated pharmacologically with the use of antidepressants. Psychotherapy is also used. In most patients, the expected improvement occurs. However, antidepressants usually yield the desired effects only after a few weeks of usage, and in some people cause a lot of adverse side effects.

The interactions that antidepressants enter with the nerve structures in our brain are responsible for the positive effects of drug treatment, and more specifically with the so-called endocannabinoid system. The receptors of this system are responsible for the formation, differentiation, development and functioning of neurons. Depression contributes to the disruption of these functions and the death of nerve cells. That is why stimulation of the endocannabinoid system is so important and brings beneficial effects in the treatment of mood disorders. One of the best non-toxic, natural remedies used to stimulate these structures is cannabidiol. CBD not only accelerates the development and growth of nerve cells, but also relaxes, reduces stress, relieves anxiety and anxiety, adds energy, improves concentration and positively affects our mood. That is why it is recommended for the treatment of depression and various types of neurosis.

cbd, and borreliosis

Borreliosis is an infectious, multi-system disease caused by spirochete type bacteria that are transmitted to humans through tick vomit or saliva. Not every arachnid bite ends in illness, but in recent years there has been a noticeable increase in the incidence in our country. Currently, borreliosis is the most common tick-borne disease that does not always manifest itself clearly and distinctively, which often develops in secret for a long time.

The first symptom may or may not be so-called migratory erythema (usually around the torso or limbs, at the puncture site), which sometimes occurs in the early stages of the disease. It has a characteristic red border, which widens as the redness in the central part disappears (central brightening). Other symptoms are also: lymphocytic infiltration on the skin, headaches, weakness, fever and other flu-like symptoms. In the next phase, the so-called disseminated arthritis, neuroborreliosis, chronic fatigue, memory impairment, arrhythmia and even myocarditis appear. Sometimes nerves (of limbs, face) are paralyzed, and the patient develops paresis, gait disturbances and strokes. In advanced stages, neurological complications and severe pain are accompanied by swelling and ulceration of the skin. Wounds that are difficult to heal lead to the destruction of the epidermis commonly referred to as atrophic dermatitis. Depression is also a secondary effect of the disease.

Modern science indicates that the way to detect the disease is a two-stage serological diagnosis, i.e. a blood serum test. Unfortunately, no vaccine against borreliosis has been discovered so far, and antibiotic therapy is considered the only effective method of fighting the bacteria. The type of medicine is selected according to the form of the disease. Unfortunately, in the case of Lyme disease, antibiotics have to be taken for a long time, some doctors even recommend a period of several months (at advanced stages), which of course has an impact on the health of the patients being treated (e.g. antibiotics often lead to gastrointestinal damage). In many of them the symptoms persist long after the treatment. Some people relapse after a while and then the treatment must be repeated.

That is why the medical community is divided when it comes to effective treatments for borreliosis. Some doctors believe that despite the use of antibiotics, spirochetes are capable of surviving within the neural structures. Hence there is a question about other effective methods of fighting the Borrelia-type bacteria. An answer in that case may be the supplements prepared on the basis of marijuana extracts. CBD cannabidiol has strong antibacterial properties, but is not a psychoactive substance like THC. Hemp extracts have a lethal effect on numerous pathogens (including drug-resistant ones) and funghi. It is possible that they are also deadly for the spirochetes that cause borreliosis. This is confirmed by instances of many patients where cannabidiol (CBD) proved to be the last resort in fighting against the disease. What is more, this natural substance is a perfect alleviation for the symptoms of the disease: chronic neuropathic pain, inflammation. It helps to cope with depression, and at the same time does not cause negative side effects, is not toxic and is not addictive like other drugs.

cbd dosage

CBD dosage

CBD is still new on the market, so among the questions about the benefits of taking the supplement, one of the most frequent of such questions concerns dosage. Let us focus on the facts. First, it should be noted that there are no ready answers or official guidelines for a specific daily dosage of CBD. It is the consumer who decides how much substance he is going to take, using various criteria or consulting a doctor.

How to dose CBD then?

Individually. It is worth starting with the classification according to the following criteria that will help in choosing the right dose:
- weight
- tolerance to active substances
- the goal you want to achieve
- general health

Below we have prepared a table that suggests daily CBD intake, taking into account some of the above criteria (weight and purpose). Every organism is different and reacts to active substances in a different way. Also, every organism has a different bioavailability of the substance, which is why the other two criteria can be easily determined by self-observation.

Person's weight
Person's weight
Person's weight
Mild 1
3,75mg - 6mg+
7,5mg - 12 mg+
6mg - 7,5mg+
7,5mg - 18mg+
7,5mg - 10mg+
12mg - 20mg+
Troublesome 3
12mg - 18mg+
18mg - 24 mg+
18mg - 24mg+
24mg - 32mg+
22mg - 30mg+
32mg - 40mg+
Strong 5 24mg - 40mg+ 32mg - 60mg+ 42mg - 60mg+

* check on the packaging how many mg of CBD is in 1 drop of the Oil.
Mild - standard dose / supplementation
Troublesome - therapeutic dose
Strong - medical dose
In the absence of any results after 7 days of using the product, please increase the dose by one level, e.g. from the first level (3.75mg - 6mg) to the second level (7.5mg - 12 mg)


Start with small doses

It is important not to copy the dosage taken by a person of similar age, weight and with a similar health condition. What helps such person, does not neccessarily help other people meeting similar criteria. What's more, the physiological changes that occur within the human body throughout the life are the reason why the optimal dose for every person varies with age. Therefore, it is best to start with a small dose of oil and gradually increase it until you achieve the desired results. The information on the bottom of the table explains how to increase your CBD intake accordingly.

Side effects

During clinical trials, side effects such as nausea, diarrhea and sleep disorders have occurred. However, they occurred after taking large doses of medical CBD, which in our table are at level 5 of the classification of the state of health (severe neurological and autoimmune diseases).

CBD and other drugs

Let us recall that with a number of benefits brought by CBD oil supplementation, at the same time it is not a psychoactive substance, it is not addictive and rarely causes side effects. However, it is worth discussing his possible interaction with other drugs. Well, CBD taken in high doses affects the functioning of the P450 cytochrome. The enzyme is responsible for metabolizing toxic substances in the liver, including 60% of the drugs we take. But how do you know which drugs are affected by CBD? Because CBD interacts with the P450 cytochrome similarly to furanocoumarin and bergamotin contained in grapefruit, we can easily check whether CBD reacts with the drugs we take by performing the commonly known 'grapefruit test'. If we know that our drugs should not be combined with grapefruit, most likely we can not take CBD in high doses.

Consultation with a doctor

However, it is worth remembering that consultation with a doctor is recommended in case of any supplementation. The information in this article should not be used instead of individual medical advice.

C. MacCallum, E. Russo: Practical considerations in medical cannabis administration and dosing
A. Cadena: What’s the Best CBD Dosage?

K. Iffland, F. Grotenhermen: Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol – A review of clinical data and relevant animal studies
J. Stamberger: CBD Dosage: How much CBD should I consume?
J. Kossen: How Does Cannabis interact with other drugs?
A. Devitt-Lee: CBD- Drug Interactions: Role of Cytochrome P450
K. Kłoda, A. Mierzecki, K. Świder, A. Pawlik: Wpływ spożywanych owoców cytrusowych oraz egzotycznych i ich soku na metabolizm leków

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